
The year is 2199, the industrial dwarf planet Ceres was created as a harbor by the Galaxy's most powerful nation, Artemis. The small harbor planet grew however, spawning budding communities of working class citizens living under the rule of newly appointed Artemisian diplomats. Revolution stirred on Ceres, culminating in a revolt that resulted in the destruction of the planet's Jumpgate, and a seizure of power in all of the planets cities except Icotta, the walled survivor of Artemis's authority on the planet.

Tenneki and Eloi are victims of Icotta's slums, and humble scrappers who take advantage of the remnants of the fallen Jumpgate, the Spires. Monuments of a planet's turmoil, a memoriam of the people lost in pursuit of its independence, and the dormant womb of a time capsule in stasis. A well of knowledge that would put Ten, Eloi and Ada of the Garışaqa at the end of their rulers arrows.